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SLEW (2019)   

for orchestra    07' - - timp - strings


SLEW was conceived in January of 2019 after I had become accustomed to the sounds of my modular synthesizer. I was enamored with the impossibly slow changes of frequency, tone, and timbre that the instrument could create. The following March I analyzed a recording of my synth in Spear and attempted to orchestrate my findings. It is an instrumental-synthesis project similar to my works Fade(2018) and Fuchsine(2019) which used piano and clarinet recordings respectively.


05.10.23 . 6:30pm CEST . Composers Concert with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra . Winspear Hall, College of Music, University of North Texas, 2100 N Interstate-35 . Denton, TX . US

*Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Taichi Fukumura*



Copyright © 2018, Willyn Whiting 

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